Did you attend SC’23? Check out the initiatives Chameleon supported at the event, including workshops, papers written using Chameleon, and more! If you presented something related to Chameleon at SC’23 and are not on this list, send us an email – we will update this announcement with relevant information as we get it.
Presentations and Talks
Alicia Esquivel Morel presented the paper, AutoLearn: Learning in the Edge to Cloud Continuum, at EduHPC-23: Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (Monday, November 13, 2023; Location: Room 506, 2:39 – 2:47 PM MT). The paper presents a Trovi artifact that allows you to teach topics in engineering and machine learning related to autonomous vehicles.
Kate Keahey gave a talk on “Experiments on the Edge,” discussing the use of edge computing to run autonomous driving vehicles (Wednesday, November 15, 2023; SSC Booth; 2 PM MST).
Posters by the Chameleon Team
Two REU students who worked on research projects utilizing Chameleon this summer also presented their posters for the ACM Student Research Competition at SC. (Tuesday, November 14, 2023; Location: DEF Concourse; 10 AM – 5 PM MST)
William Fowler, Tufts University, Road To Reliability: Optimizing Self-Driving Consistency With Real-Time Speed Data
IndySCC 2023 on Chameleon@UC-Boulder
The 2023 Indy Student Cluster Competition (IndySCC) asks teams of students to optimize the performance of several classes of computation while staying beneath a strict power budget. For the last three years, Chameleon has supported the competition. During the competition, which is held the week before SC, teams use a variety of nodes to complete assignments and submit their final code to judges for evaluation during a 48-hour benchmark.
This year, we hosted the competition with the University of Colorado – Boulder from November 3 to November 5, 2023 and received recognition during the opening keynote. Watch the video below!